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Lao Jia

Wonderful Taijiquan Kungfu
(Zhengzhou Ancient Books, 1993)

Chen Style Taijiquan, Sword and Broadsword by Chen Zhenglei

The Chen-style Taijiquan for Life Enhancement by Chen Zhenglei

Chenstyle TaijiQuan - the Source of Taiji Boxing by Davidine Sim and David Gaffney

Chen Taiji 38 Form and Applications by Ren Guangyi

Xin Jia

Chen Style 48 Posture Form
Martin Mellish
Self published. Distribution information not known.

Chenstyle Taijiquan by Gu Luxin, Feng Zhiqiang and Chen Xiaowang

Chen Shi Xin Yi Hun Yuan Taijiquan

Chen Style Taiji Reeling Silk Exercises
Feng Zhi Qiang
(Chinese Wushu Research Institute, Sharon, PA) Nick Gracenin, Ed., Ted Knecht Trans.

Modern Forms

Chen Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan: 36 and 56 Movements by Shing Yen-Ling

Chen Style Taijiquan: the 36 Forms
Kan Gui Xiang and Paul Lam.
(East Acton Publishing, Sydney, Australia, 1992)


Chen Taijiquan: The Inner Circle of Secrecy.
Michael Demarco
1986. (An apparently self published pamphlet. Mr. Demarco is presently the editor of the
Journal of Asian Martial Arts. See listing below for information.)

Periodicals Dealing with
Chen Style Taijiquan

Internal Martial Arts Magazine
An excellent journal that features regular articles dealing with the Chen style and it's practitioners.

The Journal of Asian Martial Arts
A high-quality academic style journal featuring articles dealing with various martial arts, including Taijiquan.

T'ai Chi Magazine
A mass market magazine dedicated to Taijiquan and other internal martial arts.

Inside Kung Fu Magazine
A mass market martial arts publication that occasionally features articles about Chen style Taijiquan and practitioners of the art.

Black Belt Magazine
I'd guess that Black Belt is the oldest surviving martial arts publication. The magazine mostly features articles about hard style martial arts. It very occasionally features articles about Chen style Taijiquan and practitioners of the art.

The Journal of the Traditional Wushu Association



Printed Resources (English Language)