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Book Review
"Wonderful Taiji Kungfu"
Published by Zhengzhou Ancient Books.
126 pgs, softcover. 1993.

This is a full color picture book, in chinese and english, depicting Taiji as practised in Chen village.

There are sections on the history and development of the various schools of Chen style Taiji, (and the subsequent Yang, Wu, Sun and Wu schools) as well as numerous photos depicting residents of Chenjiakou practising Taiji.

Demonstrating the various styles, weapons and techniques are Chen Zheng Lei, Wang Xian, Chen Xiao Wang, Zhu Tian Cai, Chen Shi Tong, Chen Ke Shen, Chen Chu Nai, and Chen Shu Ying.

The book contains explanations of the 3 stages, 5 levels and 10 steps of development in Chen style; representative techniques of I Lu Lao Jia, Erh Lu Lao Jia, I Lu Xin Jia, Erh Lu Xin Jia, Xiao Jia, selected applications of postures, Push hands, Chin Na, and Fa Jing.



Book Review