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DVDs/VCDs on Chen Style Taijiquan

Chen Style Taijiquan Series by Chen Zhenglei-see review elsewhere on the site.

Xiao Jia Chen Style Taijiquan Series by Chen Yun Fu

108 Posture Chen Style Taijiquan Series by Chen Yun Fu-see review elsewhere on the site. (VCD)

Zhaobao Jia Chen Style Taijiquan Series by Wan Hai Zhou (VCD)

Hu Lei Jia Chen Style Taijiquan Series by Qing Lei (VCD)

Hun Yuan Xin Yi Chen Style Taijiquan Series by Feng Zhi Qiang (VCD)


Videotapes on Chen Style Taijiquan
A partial listing. There are many Chinese and Japanese language tapes for which information was unavailable.

Some of these tapes may no longer be offered for sale or distribution.

With the recent explosion of commercial tapes dealing with the Chen style, I am restricting this listing to those tapes that I have personally viewed and feel are of sufficient quality to be recommended.

Chen Style Taijiquan Series by Chen Xiaowang-see review elsewhere on the site.
Lao Jia Yi Lu by Chen Zheng Lei
Includes basic stances, silk reeling exercises, and five levels of push hands.
Chinese Language.

Lao Jia Gongfu Frame Taijiquan by Chen Qing Zhou
Includes basic stances, silk reeling exercises, Lao jia I Lu, and Taiji sphere training.

Traditional Chen Style Taiji Old Frame Routines and Weapons by Chen Zheng Lei
A demonstration of the comple Lao Jia I Lu and Erh Lu forms, as well as the sword, broadsword, Chen Zhenglei 18 posture routine, and five levels of pushing hands. English language.

Lao Jia by Wang Xian. A two tape set on Laojia Chen style. The contents include : (Part 1) Laojia yilu, cai qifa, tuishou (Part 2) Laojia erlu paochui, tuishou yongfa, luancaihua, jingang daodui yongfa, danshi lianxi. While not yet available in the US, orders are being taken in Japan, where it was produced through the production company of Fukushodo.

Lao Jia Yi Lu Chen Xiao Xing. A demonstration, posture by posture , of Lao Jia I Lu.
Chinese Language.

Chen Style Taijiquan Series by Ren Guang Yi. covers chen xiao wang's 19 and 38 posture forms, Lao jia and xin jia forms, and weapons. Also available is an application tape for the 38 posture form and Lao Jia i Lu (see review elsewhere on the site).


"A Visit to Chen Village"
A PRC television program, with historical reenactments and form snippets.
Includes Chen Xiao Wang, Chen Zheng Lei.Chinese Language.

"Roam the Taiji World"
A PRC television program, part of a series on chinese martial arts. Contains excellent representations of the major schools of Chen style. Chinese Language.

Xin Jia

Xin Jia Yi Lu Chen Style Chen Xiao Wang. A demonstration from the 1980s.

Xin Jia Yi Lu & Erh Lu Students of Li Jin Wu
A PRC instructional video. Chinese Language.

Xin Jia Yi Lu by George Xu
Part of the "Chinas' Living Treasures" Video Series.

Xin Jia Er Lu by George Xu
Part of the "Chinas' Living Treasures" Video Series.

Xin Jia Yi Lu Applications by George Xu
Part of the "Chinas' Living Treasures" Video Series.

Xin Jia Er Lu Applications by George Xu
Part of the "Chinas' Living Treasures" Video Series.

Xin Jia Yi Lu by Feng Zhi Qiang

Xin Jia Pao Chui by Feng Zhi Qiang. Includes Feng Zhi Qiangs' 36 Elbow Form

Ma Hongs' Training Series (in Chinese)
Chen Style Taiji Form 1
Chen Style Taiji Form 2
Chen Style Taiji Form Usage
Chen Zhaokui Style Push Hands and Power Training

Modern Forms

Chen Style 19 Posture Form Chen Xiaowang.

Chen Style Tai Chi Quan 38 Movement Short Form
-Ren Guang Yi

Chen Style Tai Chi Quan 38 Form Applications
Ren Guang Yi

36 Form Chen Style. by Paul Lam & Kan Gui Xiang

Chen 36 Form Usage 1 & 2. by Paul Lam

56 Posture Competition Form by Chen Si Tan

Chen Style Competition Form by Gregory Fong

Xiao Jia

Traditional Chen style Taijiquan Xiao Jia with Chen Pei Shan

Chen Shi Xin Yi Hun Yuan Taijiquan

Feng Zhi Qiangs' Chan Ssu Jing -Zhang Xue Xin

24 Posture Form by Feng Zhi Qiang. Includes Tui Shou. A PRC instructional video. Chinese Language.

48 Posture Form by Feng Zhi Qiang
A PRC instructional video. Chinese Language.
Feng Zhi Qiang's Tui Shou Feng Zhi Qiang

A PRC instructional video. Chinese Language.

Hu Lei Jia

Wu Tang (Taiwan) Abstracted Chen Style by Yet Da Wu
English Language. Believed to be discontinued.

Chen Taiji Linking Form by Adam Hsu

Chen Style Old Form (Lao Jia) by Adam Hsu

Chen Style Cannon Fist Form (Pao Chui) by Adam Hsu


Chen Style Chin Na by George Xu
Part of the "Chinas' Living Treasures" Video Series.

Chen Style Jian by George Xu
Part of the "Chinas' Living Treasures" Video Series.



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