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Chen Style Taijiquan DVD Series

by Chen Zhenglei

Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei has led the way into the new media market by creating a series of DVDs that teach the Chen family "Big Frame" system.

The DVDS are much easier to use as study aids than tapes, and much more durable. I recommend them highly.

Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei demonstrates his mastery of the art in this set, which include

Lao Jia Forms 1 and 2

Xin jia forms 1 and 2

Straight Sword

BroadSword and Double Broad Sword


13 Posture Staff and Double Straight Sword

Push Hands

My only criticism of the set is in the lack of alternate camera angles for the demonstrations. I highly reccommend the Push Hands set for it's discussion of the use of jou, kao, cai and lieh, and supplementary solo training exercises for the practice.




