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Chen Taiji 38 Form and Applications
by Ren Guang Yi

It is accepted in Taiji circles that it is almost impossible to learn a Taiji form from a book. The nuances and complexity of movements make all but the simplest of postures impossible to depict accurately in a static format such as the printed page.

That said, Ren Guang Yi's volume makes an admirable attempt. The 38 posture form shown in the book, devised by Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang (Master Rens' teacher) is a melding of several existing traditional forms in the Chen style of Taiji. This book is an excellent reference for students already practicing or learning the form. The design is clean and crisp, with multiple views of many postures. The text accompanying the photos is concise, eschewing overly complex , confusing descriptions of movements in favor of brief, general instruction.

Of particular interest is the chapter dealing with applications of the forms' movements for self defense. Taiji was developed as and remains a martial art, a fact which is too often ignored in the west. The Chen style is famed for it's combat usage, and this section shows several posture applications, including hand and foot strikes, joint locks, and throws.

All in all, a welcome addition to the llibrary of english language books on Taijiquan, and the Chen style.

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