Chen Style Taijiquan by Gu Luxin, Feng Zhiqiang and Chen Xiaowang This book has the distinction of being the first English language book on the Chen style. However, the translation for the greater part of the book ( applications for postures, and Chen Xiaowangs 38 posture form) is appalling. It's so bad it's almost funny to read in parts. Which is a shame, because the quality of the material presented is outstanding. Feng Zhiqiang demonstrate some intricate applications for Xin Jia Yi Lu and Erh Lu, and Chen Xiaowang presents his 38 posture form. The biographical and historical sections are well translated, and the the section by Gu Luxin is a pleasure to read. I'd recommend this book as something to try to puzzle out when you have a lot of free time. The photos are quite valuable. Otherwise, it's a very frustrating read. |
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