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Modern forms can be defined as routines (not entire systems) and techniques of Chen Style devised after Chen Fa Ke's compilation of the Xin Jia routines.

Among the first such forms were the short form of Li Munin, the 36 posture form of Kan Gui Xiang and Tian Xiuchen, the 38 posture form of Chen Xiaowang, and the standardized 56 posture competition routine.

The forms of Feng Zhi Qiang, while previously grouped in this category, are now part of the curriculum of a new system, Chen Shi XinYi Hun Yuan Taijiquan, and thus not covered in this section.

The 38 Posture Form of Chen Xiaowang
The 38 Posture Form is comprised of four sections, with nine postures in each. As in most simplified forms, repitions of postures ave been deleted, and difficult movements modified to make the form more accessible to beginners. In compiling the routine, Chen Xiaowang selected postures from both the Lao Jia and Xin Jia styles, making the routine a blend of postures from both styles.The routine should take 3 to four minutes to complete.

The 19 Posture form of Chen Xiao Wang. Please refer to the Articles section for more on this form..

The 18 Essential Posture form of Chen Zhenglei.
The 18 Essential Posture form of Chen Zhenglei is based on a foundation of Lao Jia Yi Lu. The progression of postures mirrors that of it's parent form, while deleting difficult and strenuous postures. It is designed to promote circulation of Qi and improve general health. As such, it is ideal for practice by the general public.

There are also other short forms currently in practice derived from classical styles such as the abstracted short form of the Taiwanese Wu Tang school (created by Liu Yun Chiao).



Modern Forms of Chenstyle Taijiquan