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The 56 Posture Simplified Form
The 56 posture Form was created as a compulsory competition form. Also derived from the Xin Jia style, it is comprised of four sections. The first contains twenty one postures, the second six postures, the third ten postures, and the fourth twenty postures.

The 36 Posture Simplified Form
The 36 Posture Form, derived from the Xin Jia style, is comprised of four sections. The first contains ten postures, emphasising the movements of the upper body. The second contains six postures, empahsising footwork. The third, and most difficult section, contains ten postures, emphasising the movement of the entire body in up and down, turning and twisting movements, which include footwork such as stamping, and jumping. The form is also notable for its' balance between right sided and left sided movements.



Competition Forms of Chenstyle Taijiquan